Dental Implants to Improve Oral Functioning and Aesthetics

One in every three people suffers from edentulism. It ranges from one or two missing teeth or complete loss of dentition based on a condition. Decays, physical trauma, and progressing periodontitis can all cause teeth loss in people. It would further lead to the loss of oral functioning and self-confidence in appearance. One viable solution to avoiding these complications is dental implants. These are titanium replacements that can emulate natural features and aesthetics. 

Causes of edentulism 

·         Gum diseases 

A major cause of teeth loss is periodontal disease. In fact, more than 70 percent of cases are caused by gum diseases. It begins with bacteria and inflammation in tissues. When left untreated, it progresses and destroys the jawbone underneath the gums. As a result, there is no support for dentition. 

·         Cavities 

Bacterial infections develop into tooth decay, and it can destroy pulp tissues and roots. People should follow excellent oral hygiene to prevent cavities. Choosing healthy foods and drinks is also essential to protect enamel surfaces from plaque attacks. 

Dental Implants

·         Physical trauma 

Individuals engaging in recreational activities are susceptible to injuries. Physical trauma and accidents cause tooth loss by destroying dentin pulp. Dentists can recommend mouthguards for persons to protect their teeth and gums during sports. 

Implant procedure 

Dental implant surgery involves three or more steps, depending on the number of missing teeth and other complications. First, surgeons will place titanium root posts and allow the osseointegration process. Then, abutment screws and prosthetic crowns are mounted in position. 

Maintenance tips 

·         Daily brushing 

After getting implants, patients should use soft nylon brushes to remove plaque sediments from crevices. Using traditional bristles can scratch the surfaces of replacement devices and lead to unrepairable damage. 

·         Abrasives 

Using abrasive cleaning products is another habit that people avoid after this procedure. Make sure to prefer sensitive dentifrice and mouthwash for the day-to-day regimen. It even prevents any irritation on gum tissues. 

·         Regular checkups 

Depending on their overall oral health, patients should follow regular schedules with their dentists. This step is essential to ensure proper care for dental implants and improve the lifespan.


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